Daily Checkin: A plural journaling thing

This is a journaling format we picked up in a book and adapted to suit our needs.

Where we picked it up

We first saw these questions in Got Parts? by ATW. As with most of the plural/multiple advice we've read, a lot of of it is not to our liking. But these stuck with us. The original questions are:

  1. Who’s here?
  2. What’s going on for you?
  3. What do you need right now?
  4. Are you the most appropriate part to be here right now?

How we're doing it

We do this as a journaling practice, on most days, usually in the morning, to figure out who we are.

For us, it's very likely that there's a bunch of us present. And the concept of a most appropriate part doesn't apply to us very well.

Also, we started using this as a place to reflect on what each of us enjoys, after something we saw… I think it might have been this talk, Releasing Old Roles.

So we ended up with something like:

We write down a question, then take turns answering it, then go to the next question.

It's especially helpful when paired with somatic shit, like, doing focusing (as described on page 10 of this zine) beforehand or taking turns feeling the body too, but we haven't been able to do that for a while.